Friday, January 29, 2016

Scrum vs Kanban vs Scrumban

Scrum Kanban Scrumban
Iterations 1-4 week sprints Continuous work alongside releases shorter than one week or bigger iterations like goals Continuous work with short cycles for planning and longer cycles for release
Work routines Push and pull principle mixed with early binding to team members Pull principle with late binding to team members Pull principle with late binding to team members
Scope limits Push and pull principle mixed with early binding to team members Pull principle with late binding to team members Pull principle with late binding to team members
Planning routines Sprint planning Release/iteration planning, demand planning Planning on demand for new tasks
Estimation Must be done before start of sprint Optional Optional
Performance metrics Burndown Cumulative flow diagram, lead time cycle time Average cycle time
Continuous improvement Sprint retrospective Optional Short Kaizen event as an option
Meetings Sprint planning, daily scrum, retrospective Can be avoided Short Kaizen event
Roles Product owner, Scrum master, team Team and other work specific roles Team and other work specific roles
Team members Cross-functional team members Cross-functional team members, specialization is allowed Specialization or preference to tasks
Task size The size that can be completed in sprint Any size Any size
New items in iteration Forbidden Allowed whenever queue allows it Allowed whenever queue allows it
Ownership Owned by a team Supports multiple teams ownership Supports multiple teams ownership
Board Defined/reset each sprint Persistent Persistent
Prioritization Through backlog Optional Recommended on each planning
Rules Constrained process Only a few constraints, flexible process Slightly constrained process
Fit for Enterprise maturity for teams working on product or especially project which is longer than a year Support and maintenance teams, continuous product manufacturing Startups, fast-pace projects, continuous product manufacturing
Continuous improvement Sprint retrospective Optional Short Kaizen event as an option
Meetings Sprint planning, daily scrum, retrospective Can be avoided Short Kaizen event

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